Give Me A Sign

by Karen Massey
(Chase B.C)

A Sign of Love

A Sign of Love

We moved from Surrey B.C to Pritchard B.C in 1998. During that year my mother became ill. We had always talked about the afterlife etc., but my mom really didn't like it, because she said I sounded like her mother, believing in ghosts and the supernatural. We were sitting at the kitchen table and I told her that if I passed before she did that I would give her a sign, she also said ok, she would too, but I think she just wanted to end the conversation.

Anyway, about 2 years passed and I lost my mother. I was sitting at the same table that night, crying and missing her. I was the only one home and then all of a sudden, the light in the spare bedroom next to my mom's room came on. I jumped from the chair to go check the switch, but it was turned on and no else was in the house. To this day I cannot explain what happened or how that light went on, but I do believe she was giving me a sign.

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by: Haunted Places to Go

When a loved one passes away, our grief is immense. We are left with so much love for the person, yet no way to pass that love on to them. This is especially true when one's parent dies...

We here at Haunted Places to Go would like to thank you for sharing your story. We are terribly sorry that you suffered the loss of your mother. We do believe that this was your mother's spirit, attempting to connect to you and comfort you...

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